The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Heartwood Refuge and Retreat Center
2018-03-01 Ven. Pannavati Our Truest Self Is in the Heart 68:52
Ven. Pannavati Bhikkhuni
Venerable Pannavati explains that the head and heart are two different seats of knowing, and, although they exchange information, it's often hard to bring them in sync. But when we release all grasping to the aggregates that we take to be a self, we are left with a fullness, an abiding place in the heart that is Nibbana.
Heartwood Refuge and Retreat Center

2018-02-20 Meditating on the Elements 1 40:49
Venerable Pannadipa
Dharma talk at Heartwood Refuge and Retreat Center, the first of a series dealing with meditating on the elements. This one focuses on air.
Heartwood Refuge and Retreat Center

2018-02-18 Understanding Reality 33:48
Venerable Pannadipa
Dharma talk at Heartwood Refuge and Retreat Center.
Heartwood Refuge and Retreat Center

2018-02-11 Ven. Pannavati Homage to the Teacher 67:00
Ven. Pannavati Bhikkhuni
Dharma talk at Heartwood Refuge and Retreat Center. How do we grow our spiritual aspirations and cultivate beyond the earthly sensory realm? How do we invite and cultivate experiences that set us free of habitual patterns of perception and behavior?
Heartwood Refuge and Retreat Center

2018-02-06 Practice and Gifts in the Worldly Realms 61:18
Ven. Pannavati Bhikkhuni
Dharma talk at Heartwood refuge and Retreat Center clarifying the 10 Realms and practical guidance on to support awareness.
Heartwood Refuge and Retreat Center

2018-02-01 MN 18 Madhupiṇḍika Sutta - The Honeyball 44:51
Venerable Pannadipa
Discussion on MN 18 Madhupiṇḍika Sutta - The Honeyball and practical application with Q&A
Heartwood Refuge and Retreat Center

2018-01-30 Coming Out of the Basement, Building on Our Practice Foundation 55:33
Ven. Pannavati Bhikkhuni
After establishing a strong practice foundation , we must rise to the call to build upon it.
Heartwood Refuge and Retreat Center

2018-01-28 Effacement in Daily Practice 51:10
Venerable Pannadipa
Ven. Pannadipa sharing the teachings in how to implement in daily life. This Dharma talk include Q&A.
Heartwood Refuge and Retreat Center

2018-01-21 Where Does Happiness and Sorry Come From 56:45
Venerable Pannadipa
Dharma talk examining our associations, expectations, and conditioned tendencies related to happiness.
Heartwood Refuge and Retreat Center

2018-01-14 The Essence of Practice 1:10:08
Ven. Pannavati Bhikkhuni
Dharma talk about foundational aspects of practice.
Heartwood Refuge and Retreat Center

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